Heath Churchill

AATO, Dip. Arch.

Senior Contract Administrator

Office: Toronto, ON

Heath Churchill joined G architects as a Senior Contract Administrator in April 2021, bringing 34 years of experience to our team. Heath’s qualifications and expertise make him a vital part of our architectural practice.

His extensive experience involves navigating through site plan approvals, permit applications, and conducting site inspections. Heath's work has stretched across Canada, from Edmonton, Alberta to downtown St. John’s, Newfoundland, showcasing his breadth of expertise and capability to handle diverse projects.

At G, Heath has led the construction administration phase on many notable projects across Ontario, including Woodland Villa in Long Sault, Almonte Country Haven in Almonte, and Pleasant Meadow Manor in the rural village of Norwood.

Professional Association(s)

Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario


Humber College, Architectural Design Technology Diploma, 1987

Notable Projects